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Dog Bite Attorney in Macon, Georgia

Recovering Compensation After a Dog Bites

Most responsible pet owners understand the dangers of leaving a dog unattended. Unfortunately, not all dog owners take this responsibility seriously. Many negligent dog owners will leave their dogs unsecured, free to come into contact with people who may not understand the dog’s disposition.

Especially when it comes to a young child, the consequences of a dog bite injury can be devastating. It can lead to severe lacerations, permanent scarring, and the need for corrective surgery.

George Haskell is an attorney who understands how to keep property owners accountable for the actions of their pets. He also understands how to work with insurers of the home and negotiate with these companies for the best possible settlement.

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Changes Made to Georgia Law Regarding Dog Bite Cases

Recent changes to Georgia’s dog bite law have made it more difficult for victims to prevail in a dog bite lawsuit. These law changes allow liability only if elements are met under Ga. Code Ann. § 51-2-7. Under this statute, the victim must prove that:

  1. the owner carelessly managed or allowed the animal to go at liberty;

  2. that the animal was vicious, or that the animal was unrestrained at the time and place of the injury in violation of the local ordinance requiring such restraint; and

  3. the animal caused the injury.

In any circumstance, proving these elements regarding dog owner liability can be extremely complex.

In a large number of personal injury and premises liability cases, George Haskell demonstrates liability by parsing the words of such statutes on a regular basis. As a lawyer, he keeps himself informed about the sorts of court decisions being made regarding this area of law and knows how to prove each required item in a court of law.

Contact a Macon, Georgia, Dog Bite Lawyer

You can contact the Law Office of George O. Haskell, IV, by calling us. The firm will not charge you any fee unless compensation is recovered for you.