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Research: Mistakes by Other Drivers Often Cause GA Motorcycle Accidents

Many motorcyclists in Macon, Georgia, understand that riding carries a significant risk of accidents and serious injuries. At the same time, though, many riders believe their own experience and vigilance will be enough to help them avoid motorcycle accidents.

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Would Ban of Talking on Handheld Phones Be Enough to Protect GA Drivers?

A Georgia lawmaker has proposed banning all drivers from talking on handheld phones, but this may not address the larger issue of cognitive distraction. In recent years, distracted driving has become a serious public safety threat.

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Georgia Child Hit by Car, Illustrates School Season Dangers

Most drivers throughout Georgia have adjusted to seeing children walking to and from school by now. However, with the weather rapidly beginning to change, your children may be more at risk of pedestrian accidents in the winter months than they were when school began in September.

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Are You a Safe Motorcyclist?

It’s estimated that motorcyclists have fatality rates that are 28 times that of other motorists when factoring in the miles driven. It’s a given that riding a two-wheeled cycle exposes riders to greater risks than other, more substantial forms of transportation.

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Driver Blames Sneeze for Athens Rear-End Collision

When is a sneeze more than a sneeze? Answer: When it causes an accident on Georgia roads.

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What Are the Rules Surrounding ‘logo Liability’ in Wrecks?

Large semitrucks emblazoned with company logos are like ubiquitous, rolling billboards on the highways. But these advertisements on wheels also serve a legal purpose and can affect the terms of any settlement for damages stemming from an accident with the at-fault truckers.

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What if You Already Had an Injury Before Your Car Accident?

Pursuing an insurance claim after a motor vehicle accident seems as if it should be straightforward. You seek medical care following the incident to prove that the crash caused your bodily injuries.

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Motorcyclists: Don’t Ride without Proper Gear

Nearly all riders know that wearing a helmet is the number one thing motorcyclists can do to save their own lives. Also, here in Georgia, it’s mandatory to wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle.

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Ford Announces New Recall

It seems like there is always an auto recall being announced by the media, and just recently, the automaker giant Ford announced its latest. Approximately 550,000 SUVs and cars sold in North America have been recalled due to a problem involving their gearshifts.

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Learn the Causes of Commercial Truck Accidents

If you’re heading out for a family vacation or day trip this summer, you’ll have to compete for asphalt room with the large commercial trucks on the highway. All the traffic makes it even more likely to get involved in a collision.

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